Dying tuna.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


We can't do anything before th exams. And this, is one of them.

There are many reasons for girls to do better in exams. this is one of them..... Haizzz.....Have you ever seen a boy cheat like this?? Why they don't cheat like this?? Because they do not have "boobs"......-_-"" When you see a guy's chest, they won't call you a pervert, but if you see a girls erhm erhm....they will straight away yell pervert....But some girls don't mind though....I wonder why?

After the exams, we can do anything we want. These are a few examples:

1. Going nuts on something you see online -

2. Go for a shoping spree to waste your free time on lovely clothes -

3. Spend time with your beloved since both of you are busy studying -


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